Saturday, January 10, 2015

Alternate realities

Life is so fickle, characterized by constant change and yet here we are, building huge castles on a changing landscape.
Personally I like little wooden cabins. Warm, cozy, compact and non intimidating.
When one gets destroyed, you just move on and build another.

Having said that, I could very well live in a mansion. White picket fence and two and a half kids? I can do that, is there a point though?

I was recently made to read a supposed quote that correlated intelligence to antisocial tendencies. I don't think so.
Being antisocial usually is only indicative of some inherent mental disconnect with the rest of society.
We've not evolved to be antisocial, it isn't in our DNA I'm afraid.
Wanting to be alone just says that you havent found company that you feel completely at home with.

Remember home? That place where you can be you? The place where all masks can be hung at the door and your inner self becomes the outer one? The place where your filters that usually keep your psychopathic ramblings at bay at turned off?
Yea, me neither.

Who are you completely yourself with?
Does such a person even exist for you?

Why can't we be this person then? Is it that such people who will completely accept who you are don't exist or do we really believe that we've evolved to such levels of monstrosity that 'normal' folk shouldn't have to deal with the absolute horror of the people we've become?
Therein lies the weight.

In an alternate reality i'd bet there's a white cowboy version of me who's extremely sociable and outgoing.
Who lives to party and looks forward to meeting others. Maybe this version of me has a completely clean heart too.

I actually am the perfect candidate to believe in afterlife and rebirth. I should right?
That ideally is the only hope i'd have to be the white hatted cowboy.

The only question then being, do I want to be that person.