Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Wonders of Evolution..

We're so laughably weak as a species.
Sure our brains evolved to be bigger thus compensating for losing necessary survival features like hairy bodies, claws, speed, strength and who knows how many more..
These bigger brains were supposed to see us through life and helped with a host of things man then tried to do like hunting, gathering, farming, reproducing and so on. The brain over the next hundred millennia taught itself complex tasks like creating fire, constructing rudimentary tools, harvesting nature etc.
Today we've reached the moon, conquered distant planets, can predict weather, almost fully understood how we've got here through evolution. We've created machines to make our lives easier, we played god by creating hybrids, whether seeds or animals to suit our requirements.
But today, if we were to draw an average of the mentality of the humans inhabiting this earth, it wouldn't really paint a pretty picture.
We just the same superstitious bunch of assholes we've always been. Praying to an invisible man in the sky, an act not only defying all logic, but even all practicality. We pray, we sing and we chant in the hope that a higher power is listening to our little rants of wanting various things.
GOD is now supposed to emulate the wizard of OZ.
Some want brains, courage, heart and some just want to go home.

We're just children that condemn that which we can't understand, be it science, culture, psychology or just a different point of view in general. We're always right, and even if the other person makes more sense and our conscious accepts it as such, our sub-conscious will refuse it, because WE are right.

We're all designed to be the hero of our own tailored story, where we've always been wronged by the world.
We talk of higher purposes and eternal peace, truth is, we can stand peace of any kind. We don't even seriously attempt at it, nor we know how to deal with it when we've think we're achieving it.

We have to be at ease, even at the cost of someone being in pain, be it mental or physical. Clearing our mind is of prime concern.

Even dogs have evolved really, what separates us from them if our brains are no better than they were 600 years back!

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