No one fucks with me.
Not because I'm the man, not because I evoke fear into the hearts of the meek.
Merely because I don't play fair.
The first sentence was not a statement or an affirmation as much as it is a straight forward warning, namely because of the second part of that.
I don't play fair, not in the least. I use every dirty trick in the book of mental games against you, not to mention hit you with everything but the kitchen sink. There's not bottom to that trunk of insults and conceited illegal jabs that i'll pull.
I only get there when absolutely pushed against the wall of my tolerance and i never, NEVER get there, on my own anyway..
Lately, everything I'm surrounded by seems to push me to that wall. The world constantly serves reasons to me on a silver platter.
Now i know what you're thinking, no one can make me angry if I don't let it affect me, I hear you say.. But a boys got to have a breaking point no?
This state cannot go on forever though and that's the sad part.
Sooner rather than later, the sporadic mental breakdowns will stress my enough to cause a proper breakdown.
I hope I'm big enough to then disassociate and give this all up. That includes you all. Friends, Family, people that claim to "Love" me, which right now frankly are more people i can handle.
Its surprising that someone with a larger amount of people that "love" him than average is still the loneliest person around.
Well solitude is a good thing when there's peace.
When people fuck with your head, the last thing you need is solitude
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