Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Being homesick or nostalgic is such a peculiar feeling.
From personal experience, both felt only when you feel even the slightest dissatisfaction with state of your current existence. The intensity of nostalgia or homesickness is almost inversely proportional to the level of your happiness with your current existence.

Don’t let nostalgia consume you. If all it requires is beating the blues that seem to get your down in your daily affair, should be easy right? Wrong.
Fighting nostalgic to begin with, is a subjective proposition. A lot of people, people like me (HAAAHHHHHHHHH, right) have learned to harness it to be creative but an overwhelmingly larger percentage of people who have no outlets are crushed under the weight of heavy hearts.

Ridding yourself of consuming crushing nostalgia is simple.
Plan for your intellectual/creative future: You live in the past because your future seems hazy at best. There’s no scope in your life to better yourself except for insignificant ways like learning a new recipe a month or watching a new movie a week. You have to plan self betterment, if you’re not planning self betterment; you very much deserve to be feeling down.

Don’t put your past up on a pedestal, don’t be afraid to let it go: The second most common reason people suffer is that the uncertainties of the future lead them to glamorize their past, you can spot these easily, they’re the ones to always only talk of the past in endearing ways as the good old days and show a certain disdain for tomorrow or even today

And mostly importantly,
Forgive yourself: The most common reason people are weighed down is that they blame themselves for everything. I know this goes against everything I’ve ever written, but forgive yourself.
Blaming yourself for EVERYTHING is very productive, but not here.
You’re not to blame. It isn’t selfish to want self betterment. It isn’t selfish to not want to be treated with a certain level of humanity. You’ve only acted in the only way you know how, you don’t have to be that person anymore, you have your entire life ahead of you, but only if you plan to have one.
Ask someone for a hug, have a drink or ten, cry about it and be done with it.
Wake up the next day, grab and pen and sit and plan out the rest of your life..

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