Have you ever had the pleasure of observing a dragonfly?
Now they're not usually known for their calm demeanor, but if you're lucky, one of them might just settle down close enough to captivate you by its stillness.
A dragonfly has the ability to be as still as rock, staring at which may actually appear to slow down time itself creating a unique bokeh around it.
You get a chance to observe in vivid detail the wonders of nature in all its glory at work and gazing long enough bring about a strange sense of calm within yourself too.
Time itself freezes to allow you enough of vantage view of this beautiful spectacle.
Gripping on to the branch this particular dragonfly was perched upon, it gazed right through me forcing me to strengthen my own resolve. It looked right though my soul and down to my very essence. Yet, it is all but a lowly form of life at the bottom of the intelligence pyramid.
How dare he then! The very audacity of the idea! Ludicrous! Dragonflies aren't equipped with that kind of reasoning. They do not possess the wonderful gift of looking through a person's personality and recognizing and pointing out the strengths and weaknesses and yet, the longer I hold his gaze, the more convinced I am of his mental superiority over me.
For, a creature of such calm must surely have got it right! hasn't it? Or are my own insecurities so abundantly evident and so dangerously close to my skin that they come bursting forth at the slightest sign of confrontation!
Today, something as lowly as a dragonfly taught me a valuable lesson is how prepared I thought I was for this life. For it is only when you finally leave your own assorted bags of insecurity behind in your struggle for survival can you truly move on. It is only then that you can look another person straight into his eyes and into his very soul, confident that if he does the same, nothing untoward would pour out from your own plethora of insecurities, because none such would exist.
Another day, another lesson learned.
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