We go through this life with one hope. That we're loved and that we find people to love. Love maybe overrated in the practical scheme of things but at a certain level, we all crave for it, if not even in the smallest quantities.
And when that defining day comes around, when we've finally managed to find that someone who loves us for the complicated people that we are, it is up to us, at that moment to define how the next few years of our lives are going to turn out.
You can either acknowledge the person's love and respect their love or you can spurn their feeling and leave them with the bitter taste of rejection and live with the guilt all your life.
Or you can do what sometimes comes naturally, love the person for having loved you. Cherish that feeling, for in this world it does not come often. Its tough to find someone who kisses when you awaken with honest admiration. Someone who hugs you exactly when and how you want it. Someone who throws their own state of being out of the window to accommodate you. Someone who modifies their ego to let you be the adviser, decision maker and the protector.
You'd have to have a pretty good reason to turn someone who truly loves you down, its easy to find people to love, but almost impossible to find people to love you the way you want to be loved.
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