Having been spat out from the comfortable womb of complacency and absolute acceptance into a world of conspiracy and practical realizations is a horrible reality for a few of us.
Where do you go from there? Depressionville, that's where.
Sure you've mentally and emotionally risen much like a phoenix from the ashes of stupidity and complete dependency on higher powers with ulterior motives, but from then onwards, you'll soon realize that you've only just began your journey along your path of thorns and jagged stones.
After the soles of your feet become tender and worn from the journey of having to literally move against the tide of non acceptance by the masses and the complete and utter disregard for your new found ideas and truths by people who have already been hard-coded with nonsense beliefs and irreversible conditioning, you'll slowly realize that you don't care.
You'll look for acceptance and assertion from like-minded individuals and having found none, realize that people like you are a dying breed.
That's when regret hits.
Why did you have to move out of that comfortable womb in the first place. What did you ever hope the achieve? You weren't special, just led to believe that.
Your social group, parents, teachers will only tell you that you're meant for greater things so long as you do not displease their sensibilities.
Things like the comfort of your house, the warmth of loved ones and the absolute trust you could once place in the hands of in your friends are now things of the past.
Now you look at the world with a discerning eye. Being calculative and dissecting every action done onto you with the best microscope possible.
yet, all you want to do is get back to that simpler time.
All you want is to fit in again and revert to being that person who could trust, care and love and look at the world through rose tinted glasses.
But lets face it, that part of you will have died so long back, you're stuck in this new found purgatory until the day you finally cease to exist.
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