We're terribly vulnerable as people. Emotionally and mentally susceptible to any kind of manipulation and deceit..
We try to strength the mental barricades protecting the soft insides from corrosion and corruption. But no matter how successful we are, there will always be people who can unmistakeably pierce through to our innocent interior.
Everyone has this one person they're soft to, to the point of wishing they didn't exist just so that they had another chance to build better defenses against the outside world.
Its not only tough but sometimes impossible to build up an immunity towards this one person for the very reason that they've managed to settle in before that immunity could even be created.
We've all been there. We've all had this one person who could affect us so much but just the flick of a finger that we wished they'd just died, just so that we could have freedom of thought and emotion. Yet at the same time, we're hopelessly addicted to everything that this person is.
It is considered poetic misery to be in a state of self brought depression and still want it even though it slowly corrodes away at your state of self being and health.
Soon.. Soon, everyone shall die for me. For i can't ever move on if i am constantly weighed down. Flying requires you to be light and you can't ever take off with too much baggage, emotional or otherwise.
Where I go from there is totally controllable but is it ideal? I intend to find out.
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