Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Personal "Drama"

Im tied up.. In ways unimaginable, tethered to people by indescribable soft and yet resilient chains that keep us in an unwanted bond.
Severing ties with these people described is as herculean a task as it would be to take the place of Atlantis under the world.
And yet. Here I stand, before myself. As nude and naked as the day I arrived, if not even more exposed in comparison.
I stand and stare at myself, the shame and guilt soon to be replaced by ego and stubborn resolve as I see strings extending from my person, silvery string of infinite smoothness. Each one connected to a person.
A person that has managed to break into and reside in a small part of my otherwise “stone” heart. Many people of these people today serve absolutely no purpose, but are only a reminiscent of a relationship that was. A relationship that once worked and now is as dead as the most of me is inside.
The time is at hand, to disconnect these strings. Until the only person that exists, is me. For that is the only person that should exist. For the strings don’t make existing any easier. I’m subjected to all the sorrows, the pain, the problems and drama that the people I’m connected to have to offer.
Problems that I can solve while being blindfolded, juggling three chainsaws and riding a unicycle. My state of peace, is in a constant state of conflict with having to deal with idiots who’s biggest problem comparatively is as small as not being able to tie their shoelaces.
Soon I tell myself. Soon I shall find peace from people and their miniscule, insignificant little problems.

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