Tuesday, January 29, 2013

To Free will or not to free will

Do we have any?

I recently heard an interesting lecture on freewill where I came across this idea.

“If we reversed time, back to 1901 and let it play out all over again, would anything at all be different? With exactly the same stimulus and the same events in the same sequence, NOTHING would be different no matter how many times you reversed time and let it play out till today”

This is such huge thought when regarding us as having free will.
Here I wish to clarify I don’t regard freewill as having anything supernatural components, it has neither to be associated with concepts of karma nor fate or destiny.
We’re regarding freewill merely as an individual’s ability to make an independent decision; independent from what though! Ah! A hole in the plot isn’t it!
Women living in the middle-east believe they exert free will by wearing a burkha, women in India do this by wearing traditional dressed and covering their heads, while women in Brazil do this by wearing hot-pants and dancing topless in the streets. Is free will then merely an exertion of your choices which are not only tainted by full our corrupted by socio-economic factors? I’d say yes. What other factors play important roles? Genes? Family? Your chosen/birth religion? Friends? Sure! All of them..

Whether you like tea or coffee,
Whether you are a virgin or a person of tremendous sexual ‘experience’
Whether you are short tempered or peaceful
Whether you are straight, gay, bisexual, these are already predetermined by all the factors mentioned above. What then is you! You’re just a collection of experiences and genes.
I could create a replica of you, put it though the exact same circumstances and experiences and it would be you with the same level of decision making and would be identical in every way possible, this is already well captured in the quoted paragraph.
WHAT then is freewill and why do we hang onto it for dear life? Because there’s no other option that is easier to swallow. Believing we can control things gives us some sense of meaning and serves to ameliorate our existence to at the very least a tolerable level.

Do you believe in free will?
Do you have logical reasons to? I’d love to hear them, maybe be proved wrong, maybe help add to my theory.

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