Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lost souls and ghost loves.

We all are in some way still in love with a ghost of a person we knew..
An embodiment of a person that we loved, the way they used to be when we loved them.
To us in a way, we'll always have a soft corner for that ghost. There arises a problem only when the real person differs so vastly from the ghost image we've held onto, that then, the person holds even lesser value in a way, from the ghost.

I've tried my best. Now its upto the Gods of chance and fate.
Tried to disprove your very existence, erasing you from everything tangible.
How do i delete you from my intangible memories. Memories that will forever haunt me, reminiscent of times of happiness.
I can delete a facebook account, i can block you on chat, I can never delete your number from my brain.
I can't delete the times we've spent. ever..

So i walk around, my brain clouded by a thick fog of disapproval.
Disapproval mainly from my thinking self forcing me to wonder what exactly I'm nostalgic about. For amongst the good memories, were also extremely painful ones.
I was recently asked when I last cried. If the pain I've felt could be expressed in earthly terms of crying, I'd be crying a river by this point.. But my mask is much stronger. So is my resolve. I AM a rock.. And thusly i shall act..

I wish you best.. Moreover, I wish me best.

Here's to distractions, we live our entire life being distracted by things that really matter so as not to live a life of pain only to then live a life of regret..


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