Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Killed by understanding!

I've quit.
And im very aware of how i've said this in the very very near past, but you know how you think you cant give more, till you really do reach a point where you can't breathe?
I'll very graciously leave the details out of this one, suffice to say, I as an individual shouldn't have to be answerable to anyone or anything. That is just the natural order of things.
I should have to feel obligated to explain myself to anyone and worse, be misunderstood by a lesser mind and be constantly brought down because of the lack of understanding.

Its funny how people sell understanding as a concept to you. Like little cupcakes in a bakery. They're so nice! so much better than that other persons! I'll understand! That's who I am as a person really, Mr/Ms fucking understanding! thats me alrighty!
until you finally decide to give them a chance and buy one of their cupcakes.
They're just like everyone else you meet really..
Sure they've caring, (as much as a human can be really, i see you dog lovers nodding approvingly, gracious)
but are they understanding of your thoughts and predicaments and experiences?
Heeeeeelllllll no..

They might display a rare decorum and not even bring it up in the first week, but you know it struck a chord, you know, you just know, that you gave life to something right there.. You've just birthed a small little leprechaun and not the fat jovial kind either.. the kind that'll just sit there festering and getting drunk. Until one day YOU KNOW it will just vomit out of the person with a venom that will only destroy you for ever having created it.

Understanding.. A funny concept.
Mostly it is an attitude we fake to know what others really think. We're not understanding at all! Bah! the thought of it! No judging someone else? Fuck off no! You must be drunk, the lot of ya!

I really just want to find a group of people that go, "look desmond, you're a fucking prick. I don't like you one bit! Your womanizing, drunken ways are not approved of here. You ideas and life's philosophies are shit and your mothers fat. Now that everything's said, lets go grab a drink and talk of the shit weather we've been having"

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