Sunday, July 10, 2011

Good People..

Where'd all the good people go,
I've been changing channels, i don't see them on the TV shows..

Words by Jack Johnson.

Where did all the good people go? all that seems to be left, is shells of people who reminisce of good times, people who believe they were once good and are now tainted by the "horrible modern society"
I've almost strained myself searching for people who are inherently good and the results seem frightening.
The only people who even come close to being good are the clueless lot. The ones who can't tell today from tomorrow. The ones without ambition or higher calling. The ones who bear no soul any malice. But then, the price they pay is oblivion. The only reason they're so good, is that they view the world through rose tinted glasses.
People are strange and even though I've said this only fairly recently,EVERYONE thinks they're good. They believe they've been wronged against. They believe the world is conspiring against them. They live in a fantasy world wherein the modern world is full of cut throat professionals who will sell their mother for a piece of bread even though, various statistics say that crime now is much lower than it was in the 70's and 80's..
Also interesting statistics are AIDS is lower than it was decades ago, abortions/rape lesser, new anti corruption laws will soon make the system as honest as it was when it was first established. But yet, people will have something to detest.
They always will..
The blame from everything, from being bad children to being bad spouses to being bad parents, lies solely on the other party involved. All our shortcomings, our lethargy, our bad habits, our wrong decisions, opportunities missed, is all blamed on external factors. IF ONLY for that, THIS would be done. *sigh...

We all want easy answers to everything..
ahh well..

One good thing to come out of my pondering though is an idea for a book..
It might, well, scratch that, it definitely WILL ruffle a few feathers and some people might never speak with me again.. But then, that IS the price I pay for being a cold indifferent bastard.
I live the life you'll believe me to live :)
I think therefore I am.. When I am refused the right to think,
YOU think therefore I am..

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