Thursday, December 16, 2010

Can’t write

And while this is an irony of sorts, my medium of expressing my incapacity to write *can* only be put in words.
Times like these I wish I could paint! How more effectively could you describe exactly what transpires in your head than to paint vivid pictures of it! What a wonderful concept.
Photography would have to do I, I resign myself to it, only because I’ve tried and cannot even color inside the lines. Alas, my lethargy as a person often spills into even things I’m passionate about! Talk about contradictory! I’m even lazy about things that I’m passionate about! Guess mom WAS right after all.
To be a true photographer, I need to get out there and click pictures of things, scenes and people. I need to reach within and pull out images of what things look like in my head, trying to re-create it with my camera at hand. However the thought of going out there with one eye against the viewfinder is tough than I originally thought.
So then I thought I’ll contemplate considering songwriting. What better ways to paint an image than through lyrics and music I thought.. Stupid lethargy, you got there before me didn’t you?

So I guess I’ll just lie in the filth of my own static, a mental pool of underachieving and almost greatness, wishing things to be different, but not moving a muscle in the intended direction.

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