Friday, February 4, 2011

The world of today

Welcome to the world of today, where goodness is a quality read about in books, peace is a virtue only to be got by noise cancelling headphones and happiness is determined by the money you have in your pockets.

We're a lucky bunch, we truly are, Insects on the face of this earth who give more importance to their possessions and their appearance than the true beauty that they are immersed in and yet are oblivious to.
Apparently, my sources inform me that I need to wear a Tommy Hilfiger watch and Diesel jeans or else no one will take me seriously. I need shirts woven from the best linen money can buy and shoes made out of the purest leather to make my mark on the minds of others. I need to comb my hair a certain way and trim my facial hair a certain length to make an impact on the minds of others and truly define my individuality.
Its getting so we're all beginning to resemble products in a factory's production line.
We're the blackberry boys, and not only that, we all part our hair the same way, we all wear the same pinstripes or vertical stripes (statistics say horizontal ones make us look fat). We're all in very soothing shades on blue, white and yellow (these colors have a calming effect of anyone that looks our way) and we're all in the same black, blue or brown formal trousers with the black leather shoes.
So if clothes make-th the man, are we all aspiring to be the same man?

When we're distressed or emotionally distraught, eating a tub of ice-cream or smoking that cigarette will uplift the mood instantaneously! When we've just had a fight with a person we love, watching that sit-com will blow those negative emotions right away (only to reappear at the most inopportune time) and when we need a hug the most, we're used to making do with the *hug* on sms or a message on a social networking sight.
Phones and the internet have cut out the need for human interaction, but wait, we already know that and yet can't do a thing about it. We not only propagate this rubbish practice but also do not let it die with alarming conviction.

We seek mental refuge in machines that divert our true emotions away. Machines that take us to another land by keeping us in a false lullaby with music, movies and other forms of entertainment. Is this sounding familiar to the Matrix already? If not, then you probably haven't watched it yet.

And thus I despise the lot of you. Not that I'm any different from you, which is why I despise myself.

Soon the mountains will call, as sure as rain.
And when that call comes, you can be sure i'll be there to take it.

It is peace I seek,
It is peace I shall attain.

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