Friday, October 22, 2010

Want/NEED a quiet dark corner..

The trouble with putting your self out there for people is that they soon become complacent and shed their own self sufficiency to completely be dependent on what it is that you do for them/to them.
That is a horrible, horrible thing to have happened to you if you seek personal space and like your own quiet mental time. Don't get me wrong, Im not a real misanthrope, not all of the time anyway. It just that at certain times, I just well, disdain general company. Mainly, if not only, for the reason that most people around aren't worth the flesh they're made of. Suits of flesh filled with artificial values and hardcoded with nonsense of the utmost self labeled importance. People that propagate false images of even who they are and what they think. People who, for that matter, do not even realize themselves, what it is they are and what it is they want.
So I'm sorry, but leave me the hell alone. I'd rather live and finally die alone than swim in a sea of mediocre pretentious conversations about who owns which brand and what your friends did to try and impress some other douchebags whose opinions would count exactly as much as fat woman in a catsuit.
Leave me the hell alone before I take out that hidden suitcase of insult humor I've been saving up for when I'm old. And mostly, leave me the hell alone to at the least, help me preserve my sanity.
For some of us, that's all we have left.

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